Are chipped teeth affecting your ability to smile? We offer the perfect solution—dental veneers! At Midtown Doral Dental, our goal is to keep you smiling for many years to come!
What are Veneers?
Veneers are ultra-thin porcelain shells that are placed firmly on top of cracked or chipped teeth. It enhances the appearance of your teeth, paying special attention to the size, length and color.
There are plenty of benefits associated with veneers including:
- Long-lasting results
- Resistant to stains
- Enhanced mouth function
- Visually beautiful smile
An impression of your teeth will be made so we can create veneers customized to your natural smile. On the day of the fitting, your tooth enamel will be shaved down slightly, and a high-quality resin will be applied.
Your veneers will be firmly secured on top of your teeth so you can have a beautiful smile!
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